Trip Hines Spring Classic (Tiger Town Trophy)

Scores for Division B

1Georgia TechGeorgia Institute of Technology11Alex Bagnoni '27 *
Yellow JacketsOwen Cooper '29 *
*2ClemsonClemson University17William Avery '27
TigersHannah Glavin '28
*3DukeDuke University17Jack Wigmore '27
Blue DevilsAva Wietlisbach '28
4DavidsonDavidson College18Oliver Genovese '28
WildcatsPatrick Grimes '27
5North Carolina StateNorth Carolina State University22Liam Holder '28
WolfpackEvan Inscoe '25
6AuburnAuburn University35Gavin Faircloth '26
TigersRonen Lim '27
7CitadelThe Citadel37Damian Uzonwanne '27
BulldogsBoone "Showtime" Morgan '26
8U South CarolinaUniversity of South Carolina39Tyler Williams '26
GamecocksLondon Toperzer '28
*9GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia46Bales Brannon '28 *5
BulldogsAmelia Sharp '275
*10North CarolinaUniversity of North Carolina46Sarina Schmoyer '27
Tar HeelsCaroline Mautner '28
11Wake ForestWake Forest University48
Demon Deacons
12TennesseeUniversity of Tennessee53Luke Ritchie '27
VolunteersKatharine Bryan '27
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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