Navy Team Race Invitiational


Saturday, March 1:

Day one started with a 8-12 knot Westerly. Four flights were able to be completed in the harbor before the wind shifted to the Northwest and significantly increased in strength. 18 races were completed before a breakdown caused the fleet to head in for a slightly early lunch break. Once the boats were on shore the decision was made to abandon racing for the day. One hearing was held for a black flag incident on the water which resulted in a DSQ for one boat in race 16.

Sunday, March 2:

Sailors arrived to the venue with NW winds at 12-15 and a temperature of 22 degrees. The regatta held on shore until noon when the temperature warmed up to freezing. Twelve races were completed which finished off round robin two in addition to a complete round robin three. Thank you to all the teams who attended and congrats to the home team for winning!

Final Results

1NavyU. S. Naval AcademyMidshipmen9/3Hugh Carty '27Molly Jethwa '28
Robert Ziman '25Gregory Lesmerises DeGraff '28
Kyle Reinecke '28Isabella Fadullon '25
Teddy Martin '27Melania Gonzalez '28
Umi Noritake '28Eva Ottenbreit '27
Sean Trudell '28Owen MacWilliams '28
Owen MacWilliams '28
2GeorgetownGeorgetown UniversityHoyas8/4Jack Duffy '27meredith kean '26
Benjamin Smith '26Ellie Smith '28
Peter Barnard '27Teddy Stoldt '28
*3St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of MarylandSeahawks 26/6Mats Braaten '27Mary Govan '27
Cho-Cho Williams '26Indiana Theurer '25
Joseph Marynowski '28Walker Brescia '28
Lillian Newman '25
**4St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of MarylandSeahawks 16/6Nathan Jensen '27Grace Phillips '27
Henry Haddon '25Scott Opert '28
Max Kleha '25Emery Strockbine '28
Gina Bonazelli '26
5Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith CollegesStatesmen1/11Nicolas Garcia-Castrillon '26Sam Carson '28
Simon Hammarlund '28Jack Carter '27
Owen Harrod '26Dante Garcia '28
Dante Garcia '28Owen Harrod '26
*Number of races won when tied teams met (2)
**Number of races won when tied teams met (1)