NU Spring

Scores for Division A

1Saint ThomasUniversity of Saint Thomas17Greg Bittle '25
TommiesLily Lupardus '271-4
Hillary Festvog '275-8
2NorthwesternNorthwestern University18Marina Hutzler '23
Wildcats 1Rebecca Rodriguez '271-4
Nicholas Chesemore '275-8
3ChicagoUniversity of Chicago27Carlos Sole '27
MaroonsNatalie Manley '241-2,5-6
Raymond Chen '243-4,7-8
4Miami UniversityMiami University31Nicholas Barillari '26
Red Hawks 1Alexa Quinn '26
5NorthwesternNorthwestern University42Azim Usmanov '271-4
Aviva Kaplan '245-8
Wildcats 2Izzy Bider '271-4
Joey David '255-8
6MichiganUniversity of Michigan44John McCalmont '271-7
WolverinesGrace Redner '271-7
7Miami UniversityMiami University45Jenna Drobny '27
Red Hawks 2Beale Hughes '26

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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