Drexel Open

Scores for Division A

1Maryland/BaltimoreUniversity of Maryland/Baltimore County20Henry Powell '26
RetrieversVaughan Hood '241-2,5-6
Simmi Chowdhurry '25 *3-4,7
2DrexelDrexel University23Patrick Hartshorne '241-2
Aidan Gurskis '283-4
Iain Shand '245-6
Nathaniel Adams '267
DragonsHaoran Zhao '241-2
Alexander Pfeffer '283-4
Dren Gara '255-6
meredith davies '267
3RutgersRutgers University24Marlon Wool '261-2,5-6
Anish Jayewardene '243-4
Kate Faranetta '247
Scarlet KnightsKate Faranetta '241-2
Terry Nguyen '253-4,7
Nathan Haase '275-6
4Catholic U AmericaCatholic University of America25John Anthony Caraig '28
CardinalsLucas Randle '28 *
5DelawareUniversity of Delaware26Anna Servidio '26
Blue HensJohn Fulkerson '26
6MonmouthMonmouth University30Joseph Arrigo '25
HawksPatrick Cashin '241-4
Andrew Matin '245-7

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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