Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

AmericanAmerican Eagles11335
DrexelDrexel Dragons22446
Penn State BehrendPenn State Behrend Sea Lions33557
St. John'sSt. John's Johnnies44668
NavyNavy Midshipmen55771
MarylandMaryland Terps 166882
MarylandMaryland Terps 277113
William and MaryWilliam and Mary Tribe88224

B Division

AmericanAmerican Eagles22446
DrexelDrexel Dragons33557
Penn State BehrendPenn State Behrend Sea Lions44668
St. John'sSt. John's Johnnies55771
NavyNavy Midshipmen66882
MarylandMaryland Terps 177113
MarylandMaryland Terps 288224
William and MaryWilliam and Mary Tribe11335