Scores for Division B

1Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime Academy15Nicholas Mueller '27
Keelhaulers 2Gavin Steuerwald '28
2Southern CalUniversity of Southern California17Hudson Mayfield '27
Trojans 2Ariana Gabier '24
*3Southern CalUniversity of Southern California38Maximilian Conze '28
Trojans 1Breeze Pickford '26
*4BerkeleyUniversity of California at Berkeley38Carsten Zeiger '28 *
BearsEmerson Marquez '27
5San Diego StateSan Diego State University50Owen Gormely '27
Aztecs 1Beverly Schimmel '25
6UC Los AngelesUniversity of California at Los Angeles53Brendan Connelly '27
Bruins 1Phineas Fritsch '27
7Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime Academy60Nicolai Perez '28
Keelhaulers 1Julian Levash '28
8UC Santa CruzUniversity of California at Santa Cruz72Lucas Elliott '25
Banana SlugsDevon Baker-Berry '26
9Southern CalUniversity of Southern California85Ava Bergan '27
Trojans 3Alex Tang '27
10Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.88Sienna Stromberg '25
Mustangs 1Maura Darby '25
11UC Santa BarbaraUniversity of California at Santa Barbara94Jonah Eckerman '27
GauchosKaitlin Zarembinski '25
12UC IrvineUniversity of California at Irvine97Brayden Money '26
Anteaters 1Kean Kennedy '25
13Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.103Colin Thompson '25
Mustangs 2Kyle Hirth '25
14Arizona StateArizona State University118Gavin Hirz '26
Sun DevilsEmily Broach '25
15UC DavisUniversity of California at Davis127Blossom Jee '25
AggiesStephanie Ng '26
16San Diego StateSan Diego State University129Ryan Giorgianni '26 *
Aztecs 2Sofia Dorman '271-4
Jay Luquin '28 *5-8
17Channel IslandsCalifornia State University Channel Islands133Seraphee de Labaca '26
Dolphins 1Vaughn Russell '28
18UC Los AngelesUniversity of California at Los Angeles135Andrew Bistras '26
Bruins 2John Flanagan '25
**19UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San Diego139Maria Gunness '25 *1-5
Ian Johnston '256-8
Tritons 1Cheyenne Ozaeta '27
**20UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San Diego139Cassie Halaszynski '25
Tritons 2Nate Powers '26
21UC IrvineUniversity of California at Irvine148Gennis Marie Pilapil '25
Anteaters 2Maxim Pachnev '27
22Channel IslandsCalifornia State University Channel Islands149Kurt Richards '25
Dolphins 2Kevin Gates '271-4
Paxton Moore '285-8
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
**Number of high-place (12) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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