Stony Brook Fall Open


Saturday, October 5:

A beautiful summer like day in early Fall greeted everyone for the Stony Brook Fall Open. It was a perfect day for almost any outdoor activity, but unfortunately it was a bit difficult for sailing. That may be a bit of an understatement, as the predicted light to medium Northerly was present at the beginning and allowed us to do 3 A races. By the end of the 3rd A race, the breeze took a hard turn East and died significantly. What ensued was a journey around the harbor to get in 3 B races, ultimately ending up in the outer harbor where a light Northeasterly was still present. After a long sail back to rotate, even the breeze in the outer harbor began to fade and we tried to get something going in some patchy zephyrs closer to the yacht club before it became obvious we needed to go into a postponement. After about 20 minutes, a light Westerly materialized and built slightly. A division was sent back out and did 3 more races, with the wind dying again for during the 3rd race. Thankfully, as B division was rotating in, strips of breeze from the North/Northwest started to come down the harbor and the breeze filled in beautifully to a solid 10-12, allowing for 3 more B races in the best conditions of the day. Racing ended at 5:45pm. After a long day and a light forecast for Sunday, all teams agreed to complete the regatta on Saturday with 6 races for each division.

Congratulations to Fordham University for the regatta win in very challenging conditions! Thank you to all the visiting teams for coming and for being so patient with all the course moving! Also, huge thank you to alumni Morgan Bittmann'24 and Gerrit Bittmann'24 for volunteering their day to be RC!

Sunday, October 6:

Regatta finished on Saturday

Score summary

3Kings PointMariners 1143852
4Stony BrookSeawolves 1362662
5Kings PointMariners 2283765
7Stony BrookSeawolves 2463480
8ArmyBlack Knights5751108

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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