Seneca Showdown

Scores for Division A

1CornellCornell University13Gilda Dondona '28
Big Red 4Sophia Fogarty '25
2Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges38Finn Palermo '28
Statesmen 2Bennett O'Keefe '27
*3CornellCornell University43Pilar Cundey '27
Big Red 6Kate Constan '26
*4Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges43Dante Garcia '28
Statesmen 6Ella Donaldson '27
**5Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges44Nicolas Garcia-Castrillon '26
Statesmen 5Lucy Lack '28
**6CornellCornell University44Boris Bialer '26
Big Red 1Ava Stevens '28
7CornellCornell University45Maya Conway '26
Big Red 3Hope Campbell '28
8Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges46Brook Wood '25
Statesmen 4Juliana Victor '26
9CornellCornell University48Ava Gustafson '28
Big Red 7kathleen keller '28
10CornellCornell University50Marcus Greco '28
Big Red 5Theodore Taylor '25
11Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges51Sam Carson '28
Statesmen 8Colin Byrne '28
12Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges58Simona Esposito '28
Statesmen 3Maya Mahoney '27
13Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges61Simon Hammarlund '28
Statesmen 9Stella Kim '27
14Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges69Tucker Rose '28
Statesmen 1Reilly Roedel '27
15CornellCornell University71Sara Ortiz Vey '28
Big Red 2Wynne Williams '27
16Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges92Jack Carter '27
Statesmen 7Piper Torrey '28
*Number of high-place (1) finishes
**Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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