Hood Trophy


Saturday, September 21:

After almost a month of dry weather, a slow-moving offshore storm system finally descended on Medford this Saturday, bringing bands of drizzle and driving rain that drenched competitors and volunteers throughout the day. On the bright side, though, athletes enjoyed a N wind, one of the lake's steadiest directions. But there's no such thing as a straightforward beat on mystic lake, and matters were complicated further by the Snipe fleet that occupied the western half of the lake. Because the snipe course pushed us to the eastern bank, the right corner of the course brought races perilously close to the windshadow of the trees, and boats planning to arrive on starboard layline early often found themselves becalmed. Huge thanks to Aaron Kline '18 and Lucy Robison '18 for braving the soggy conditions to run an excellent event, and to the many undergrads who assisted, including Oliver Keeves, Reddin Kherli, Patricia Winssinger, Greta Traver, Grant Schmidt, Dory Russell, Matt Caplan, and Nicole Morikawa.

Sunday, September 22:

Thankfully, after an oppressively damp Saturday, the rain abated, and lark enthusiasts enjoyed a beatiful day of blustery and partly-sunny racing. Once again, racers encountered a relatively stable Northerly breeze, but this time with an easterly component, causing the right side of the course to enjoy occasional bail-out puff falling from the sky. Lefties were more visible, and continued to push early arrivals on port layline into the lead more often than not. By the time the final set rolled around, the Snipes had concluded their racing for the day, which was fortunate, because a powerful blast of Northeast pressure brought whitecapping conditions, requiring a course shift, and showcasing the Lark's superior planing performance to NEISA one last time before the imminent arrival of our FJ fleet later this fall. Thanks to Sabina Van Mell '19 for running the show Sunday!

Score summary

2YaleBulldogs 265101166
3YaleBulldogs 181100181
4Roger WilliamsHawks 112570195
6Boston CollegeEagles117105222
7TuftsJumbos 1101122223
8Roger WilliamsHawks 3104130234
9BowdoinPolar Bears142102244
10Rhode IslandRams144105249
11Roger WilliamsHawks 2149108257
12MITEngineers 1144115259
14TuftsJumbos 4114181295
15TuftsJumbos 2134173307
16TuftsJumbos 3179145324
17MITEngineers 2191171362
18Salve ReginaSeahawks235173408
19Maine MaritimeMariners184232416

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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