Coast Guard Invite


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 5 races.

A Division

BrownBrown Bears 11111222222
BrownBrown Bears 22222333333
BrownBrown Bears 33333444444
BrownBrown Bears 44444555555
Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College Camels 15555666666
Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College Camels 26666777777
TuftsTufts Jumbos 17777888888
TuftsTufts Jumbos 28888999999
TuftsTufts Jumbos 39999101010101010
TuftsTufts Jumbos 410101010111111111111
Coast GuardCoast Guard Bears 111111111121212121212
Coast GuardCoast Guard Bears 212121212131313131313
Coast GuardCoast Guard Bears 313131313141414141414
Coast GuardCoast Guard Bears 414141414151515151515
Coast GuardCoast Guard Bears 515151515161616161616
Rhode IslandRhode Island Rams 116161616171717171717
Rhode IslandRhode Island Rams 217171717181818181818
Rhode IslandRhode Island Rams 318181818191919191919
Rhode IslandRhode Island Rams 419191919111111