Buckeye Invite

Scores for Division A

1MichiganUniversity of Michigan14Jack Homa '27
Wolverines 1Sabrina Maas '27
2PurduePurdue University21Gavin Holmes '271-6
BoilermakersAlexander Ching '28 *1-6
3Case WesternCase Western Reserve University27Andrew Liu '27
CWRU SpartansJasper Jacobs '27
*4Michigan StateMichigan State University31Ryan Dodge '261-6
SpartansSophia Worden '271-2,5-6
Nicole Luna '263-4
*5Notre DameUniversity of Notre Dame31Jack O'Connor '261-6
Fighting IrishKate Sorce '271-6
6MichiganUniversity of Michigan34Rachel Ward '27
Wolverines 2Gillian Reynolds '27
7Grand Valley StateGrand Valley State University41Carly Irwin '251-6
LakersGabriella Thomas '251-6
8Miami UniversityMiami University47Simon Peroulas '281-6
Red HawksAustin Strykowski '271-6
**9Ohio StateOhio State University48Mia Eisma '28 *
WomenSavannah Conlin '25 *1-2
Maddie Stanco '25 *3-6
**10Ohio StateOhio State University48Emily Williams '251-6
BuckeyesJackson Settecase '251-2
Richard Huhn-Powell '273-6
11Ohio StateOhio State University56Benjamin Conrad '26
BrutusSavannah Shaw '28 *1-2,5-6
Joe Stroup '273-4
12Saint Mary's CollegeSaint Mary's College70Emmalyn Holmquist '26
BellesMolly Strabley-Temple '27
*Number of high-place (1) finishes
**Number of high-place (4) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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