BU Invite

Scores for Division A

1BrownBrown University16Charles Gish '28
Bears 2Marin Soderberg '28
2TuftsTufts University20Devon Owen '27
Jumbos 1Sarah Leary '28
3BrownBrown University30Tyler Lamm '28
Bears 1Phoebe Hackett '28
4Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University32Caylin Schnoor '25
Hawks 1Ethan Martin '28
5VermontUniversity of Vermont35Marco Welch '28
CatamountsHolly Mulford '27
6TuftsTufts University42Blake Vogel '26
Jumbos 4Stefano Chiampo '26
7HarvardHarvard University43Olivia Hogan-Lopez '26
CrimsonJulia Downey '27
*8Boston CollegeBoston College46Ryan McGauley '27
EaglesPaige Roby '26
*9TuftsTufts University46Adam Larzelere '25
Jumbos 2Sean Beaver '27
10TuftsTufts University52Grant Schmidt '28
Jumbos 3Amelia Traver '28
11Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University62Jakub Fuja '27
Hawks 2Dominique Spinola '26
12McGillMcGill University63ZIYUE ZHOU '27
RedbirdsIvy Shi '27
13Boston UniversityBoston University65Renato Korzinek '25
TerriersMaya Burns '27
14NortheasternNortheastern University82Grant Smith '28
HuskiesRyan Tedeschi '28
15Wentworth InstituteWentworth Institute of Technology92Jackson Harney '27
LeopardsOwen Moriarty '281-4
Benjamin Conte '265-6
16Mass MaritimeMassachusetts Maritime Academy94cole capizzo '27
BuccaneersKrista Jordan '26
17WesleyanWesleyan UniversityMRP112
18BentleyBentley UniversityMRP120Andrew Blagden '28
FalconsNadia Kukula '28
*Number of high-place (1) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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