Peak Foliage


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 3 races, with starting sails offset for subsequent divisions.

A Division

BatesBates Bobcats 11112
BatesBates Bobcats 22223
Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College Camels3334
DartmouthDartmouth Big Green4445
McGillMcGill Redbirds5556
MiddleburyMiddlebury Panthers6667
NortheasternNortheastern Huskies7778
OlinOlin Phoenix8889
U. Mass/ AmherstU. Mass/ Amherst Minutemen99910
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 110101011
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 211111112
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 312121213
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 413131314
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 514141415
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 615151516
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 71616161

B Division

BatesBates Bobcats 199910
BatesBates Bobcats 210101011
Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College Camels11111112
DartmouthDartmouth Big Green12121213
McGillMcGill Redbirds13131314
MiddleburyMiddlebury Panthers14141415
NortheasternNortheastern Huskies15151516
OlinOlin Phoenix1616161
U. Mass/ AmherstU. Mass/ Amherst Minutemen1112
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 12223
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 23334
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 34445
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 45556
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 56667
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 67778
New HampshireNew Hampshire Wildcats 78889