Sailors were welcomed to Mystic Lake on a bright, crisp, and blustery Sunday morning with uncharacteristically stable conditions: winds at 5-15 out of the west with shifts ranging less than 45 degrees. The course did not need to be shifted as the mean angle remained consistent throughout the day. Competitors in the first two races of each flight were fortunate enough to soar around the marks in Larks, while competitors in the thrid race were condemned to crawl their way around the course in sluggish Flying Junior dinghies. The race committee is disappointed to report that there were no exciting capsizes to watch at mark 3, although a few FJs did swamp.
Due to a technical glitch, The purple and orange boats are incorrectly labeled as FJs on techscore; the FJs are actually the red and blue boats numbered 25-30.
Congratulations to BC on their victory with an 8-1 record. Shout out to BU for sticking around to help de-step masts and rack hulls. A tip of the hat to all competitors who demonstrated their Corinthian spirit by dropping all protests at the conclusion of racing. And a huge thank you to our scorekeeper, Greta Traver '25, as well as Gus Macaulay '25 and Reddin Kehrli '25 in the finish boat.