Colony Cup

Scores for Division B

1HamptonHampton University15Luca Taglialegne '20
PiratesElisabeth Kuester '19
2Christopher NewportChristopher Newport University26Benjamin Kempton '18
CaptainsMatteo Murrelle '191-6
Hanna Halleck-Pinkleton '187-10
3Virginia TechVirginia Tech38Nathan Gibson '19
HokiesBenjamin Hayes '16
4Stony BrookSUNY Stony Brook50Brendan Brown-McCue '16
SeawolvesNo show
5Maryland/BaltimoreUniversity of Maryland/Baltimore County53Nathan Thompson '17
RetrieversBen Fosbaugh '17
6William and MaryWilliam and Mary60Liam Farrell '181-6
Kenneth Preston '197-10
TribeTyler Skelton '191-6
Hannah O'Neil '187-10
7Penn StatePenn State University67Sarah Culp '17
Nittany LionsSarah Darr '17
8MarylandUniversity of Maryland70Derek Thompson '18
TerpsMeghan Harrington '181-6
Sydney Robinson '187-8
Theo Leasca '189-10
9William and MaryWilliam and Mary73Samuel Davey '171-6
Adriane Tomovic '197-8
Patrick Firth '179-10
GriffinAnna Kugler '191-6
Audrey Fulk '197-8
Emily Meehan '179-10
10St. John'sSt. John's College104Jack Cooper '18
JohnniesThaddia Montione '19
11VirginiaUniversity of Virginia111Ronnie Calkins '18 *
WahoosGeorgia Adam '171-4
Thomas Weidner V '195-10

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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