Fall Fury

Scores for Division B

1IowaUniversity of Iowa32Najwa Jumali '161
HawkeyesMaximilian Franze-Soeln '17
2WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin38Soren Walljasper '17
Badgers 2Virginia Debbink '16
3TulaneTulane University60Alexandra Payne '15
Green WaveKatherine Walsh '15
*4IllinoisUniversity of Illinois66Melinda Lee '16
IlliniEmily Slabe '15
*5WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin66Leslie Poole '161-6,9-12
Whitney Kent '157-8
Badgers 1Jennifer Burke '16
6NorthwesternNorthwestern University68Travis Cottle '15
WildcatsMegan McEvily '14
7MinnesotaUniversity of Minnesota69Alison Kent '16
Gopher GoldEmily Johnson '16
8Notre DameUniversity of Notre Dame85John Schneider '16
Fighting IrishColleen King '161-2,5-6,9-10
Hannah Drinkall '163-4,7-8,11-12
9Western MichiganWestern Michigan University119Ryan Mabie '16
Western MichiganHanna Corneliussen '161-8
Blake Utz '169-12
10UW MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin Milwaukee136Autumn Morden '15
PanthersPerry Spott '15
11MarquetteMarquette University139Courtney Kronschnabel '15
Golden Eagles 2Blaire Schrick '16
12MinnesotaUniversity of Minnesota142Teresa Westin '161-11
Lindsey Puccio '1612
Minnesota WomenLindsey Puccio '161-11
Teresa Westin '1612
13Michigan TechMichigan Technological University146Maggie Kloote '15
Husky OneIan Boettner '171-2,5-6,9-10
RAYMOND STETTER '153-4,7-8,11-12
14MarquetteMarquette University152John O'Rourke '171-9
Maximiliano Oliveras '1610-12
Golden Eagles 1Grant Egan '171-10
Stephen Anthony '1511-12
15Illinois (Chicago)University of Illinois - Chicago158Taylor Valentor '16
FlamesShannon Yates '161-2,5-6,9-10
Kimberly Hu '153-4,7-8,11-12
16HopeHope College181Libby Reeg '17
HopeJohn Stack '17
17Northern MichiganNorthern Michigan University186Evan Hardy '151-4
Ian Pope '195-12
WildcatsJoshua Maxwell '141-4
Alexander Dykstra '155-8
James Hoover '119-12
*Number of high-place (3) finishes
1Indiana sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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